National Scholarships and Fellowships

体育菠菜大平台鼓励所有学生考虑通过追求国家和国际组织提供的奖学金或奖学金来促进他们的教育发展. 每个项目都有特定的目的、受众和申请流程. Students are encouraged to review the information below. Please note that application dates vary. Those listed below are approximate.

荣誉项目办公室的工作人员可以为申请人提供支持,讨论机会, strategizing on application materials, and preparation for interviews. However, the initiative must come from the applicants.

每个项目都有一名校园代表,他必须为申请背书. 如果申请人不能确定是谁,请联系荣誉项目.

Carnegie Junior Fellows Program

卡内基基金会为即将毕业的大四学生提供为期一年的奖学金,让他们在毕业后担任基金会高级助理的研究助理. Positions are paid, full-time positions. 初级研究员目前的月薪为2583美元,并享有全套福利.

学生应该在大四的秋季学期开始申请流程. Applicants must be eligible to work in the United States. Candidates should have a strong background in international affairs, political science, economics, history, or Russian studies.

Campus Representative: Dr. Angela Hollman, Director, Honors Program

Churchill Scholarship

丘吉尔奖学金是为在剑桥大学学习一年的哲学硕士(MPhil)或高级研究硕士(MASt)提供的奖学金, comprised of 16 Churchill Scholarships in science, mathematics, and engineering, and two Kanders Churchill Scholarships in science policy. 它是为期一年的硕士学习(课程时长为9到12个月). The award covers tuition, roundtrip airfare to the UK, visa fees and health surcharge, 并获得比英国研究委员会标准高出5%的津贴. 获奖人可申请四千元的特别研究补助金. The total value is around $70,000.

Campus Representative: Dr. Angela Hollman, Director, Honors Program

Fulbright Program

The U.S. Student Program is designed to give recent B.S./B.A. graduates, masters and doctoral candidates, 为年轻的专业人士和艺术家提供个人发展和国际经验的机会. Along with opportunities for intellectual, professional, and artistic growth, 富布赖特项目提供了与东道国人民见面和共事的宝贵机会, 分享日常生活以及专业和创造性的见解. The best way to appreciate others’ viewpoints, their beliefs, the way they think, and the way they do things, is to interact with them directly on an individual basis, work with them, live with them, teach with them, learn with them, and learn from them.

Campus Representative: Chance Bell, Assistant Vice Chancellor for 体育菠菜大平台 Global


盖茨剑桥每年向来自英国以外国家的优秀申请者提供80个全额奖学金,用于攻读剑桥大学任何学科的最大的菠菜的平台学位. 大约三分之二的奖学金将提供给博士生, 在美国回合大约有25个奖项,在国际回合有55个奖项.

Campus Representative: Dr. Angela Hollman, Director, Honors Program

Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Program

The Barry M. 戈德华特奖学金和卓越教育项目由国会于1986年设立,以纪念参议员巴里·M·戈德华特. Goldwater, 谁作为一名军人和政治家为国家服务了56年, including 30 years of service in the U.S. Senate. 基金会的目的是提供一个持续的高素质人才来源 scientists, mathematicians and engineers 通过向有意在这些领域从事职业的大学生颁发奖学金. Each scholarship covers eligible expenses for tuition, fees, books, and room and board, up to a maximum of $7500 annually.

Application Deadline: Jan. 23; Recommendation: Jan. 27; Nomination: Jan. 30

Campus Representative: Dr. Angela, Director, Honors Program 

James Madison Fellowship Program

初级奖学金颁发给即将完成学业的学生, or have recently completed, 他们的本科课程学习,并计划开始全职的最大的菠菜的平台工作.  Junior Fellows have two years to complete their degrees.  该奖学金专门用于最大的菠菜的平台学习,以获得硕士学位.  詹姆斯·麦迪逊奖学金获得者可以在美国任何被认可的高等教育机构就读.  每项奖励的最高金额为24,000美元,按学习期间的比例计算.

Campus Representative: Dr. Diane Duffin, Professor of Political Science and Dept. Chair

Knowles Science Teaching Foundation

教学奖学金支持致力于成为美国杰出数学家和科学教师的杰出个人.S. high schools. Applicants should have at least a bachelor’s degree in biology, a physical science, mathematics or a related field,并在过去五年内获得最新的专业学位.

Campus Representative: Dr. Angela Hollman, Director, Honors Program

Marshall Scholarship

马歇尔奖学金资助在英国攻读任何学科最大的菠菜的平台学位的高能力毕业生.  奖学金期限为一至两年,包括学费和生活费.  奖学金颁发给有兴趣在英国上大学的学生, Scotland, Wales, or Northern Ireland.

Campus Representative: Director of the Office of Financial Aid

The Rhodes Scholarships

32 Rhodes Scholarships are awarded each year to U.S. college students. Elliot Gerson, American Secretary of the Rhodes Trust, 称其为“最古老、最知名的国际研究奖”, 可以说是美国大学毕业生可以获得的最著名的学术奖项.”

Campus Representative: Dr. Angela Hollman, Director, Honors Program

Truman Scholarship

The Truman Scholarship is a $30,向希望获资助就读最大的菠菜的平台院或专业学院,为日后进入政府工作作准备的本科生,提供10,000英镑的优异奖学金, 非营利部门或其他公共服务部门的领导. 基金会寻求有广泛记录的候选人 public and community service, are committed to careers in government or elsewhere in public service,有突出的领导潜力和沟通能力. Financial need is not a consideration.

Campus Representatives: Dr. Angela Hollman, Director, Honors Program

The Udall Undergraduate Scholarship

该基金会每年向对公共服务感兴趣的学生颁发50多个奖学金. Scholarships are awarded to 对部落政策和医疗保健感兴趣的美洲原住民和阿拉斯加原住民. Scholarships are open to all students interested in 环境保护,环境管理或环境政策.

Campus Representative: Dr. Angela Hollman, Director, Honors Program